Cryst APC - crystallization advanced process control

The aim of this project is to develop a system for advanced control of the crystallization process. A laboratory set-up will be established for the development of batch crystallization process APC. Several algorithms, models and software application will support the investigation. Expected result of the project is a system that enables continuous monitoring and optimal control of production processes in the pharmaceutical industry. The modular structure of the system will enable its wide range application - from research to the transfer of technology on an industrial scale. It is expected that the project will have a positive impact on strengthening the research capacity of the Applicant (FKIT) and the market competitiveness of the Partner (MKP Ltd.).
The project coordinator is the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology (FKIT). Partner company is MKP Ltd. The objective of the research is to develop advanced control methods for the batch crystallization process while forming a team of experts who will conduct applied research for the process industry. Within the research, a laboratory system for advanced batch crystallization control will be established. Key process variables will be monitored using chemometric and empirical models. Following the development of chemometric models, advanced process control (APC) based on real-time key process variables spectrophotometric measurement (UV/VIS, FTIR, FBRM, Raman) will be designed. The purpose is to develop process control methods that allow continuous real-time monitoring and control of the process, and thus obtaining a crystalline product of the desired characteristics.
Project applicant
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology Laboratory for Automation and Control (LAM), lam.fkit.hr, Savska c. 16/5a-9, HR-10 000 Zagreb
Project partner
MKP Ltd., Erpenjska 5, HR-10 000 Zagreb

Project implementation period
2020/12/15 – 2023/12/15