The final meeting of the CrystAPC project
The CrystAPC project ended on December 15, 2023. On this occasion, the entire team gathered to summarise the results of the project and discuss further research and application of the results as well as commercialisation...[READ MORE]

Networking with the Faculty of Food Technology, University of Osijek
On December 14, 2023 our research group visited the Faculty of Food Technology in Osijek. Prof. Ačkar, Vice Dean for Science and International Cooperation, was our host. Our group presented the CrystAPC project and gave an overview of the project objectives, approach and current scientific achievements...[READ MORE]

Visit to FH Campus Wien
On December 7, 2023, our team visited the University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien. The FH Campus is renowned for its close connection to industry, which allows students to gain practical experience and get directly involved in research...[READ MORE]
OPORH conference
Doc. Ujević Andrijić i prof. Bolf sudjelovali su na VIII međunarodnom znanstveno-stručnom simpoziju “Resursi okoliša, održivi razvoj i proizvodnja hrane – OPORPH 2023 u organizaciji Tehnološkog fakulteta Univerziteta Univerziteta u Tuzli i Udruženja hemičara Tuzlanskog kantona u 9. do 10. studenog 2023...[READ MORE]

Lecture for the Association of Chemical Engineers and Technologists Split
On 12 October 2023 the CrystAPC project leader Nenad Bolf and researcher Matea Gavran gave a lecture on process analytical technology and its application in the pharmaceutical industry at the Faculty of Chemical Technology in Split, organised by the Croatian Society of Chemical Engineers - Association of Chemical Engineers and Technologists Split...[READ MORE]

MSV International Engineering Fair 2023
At the MSV International Engineering Fair in Brno, which took place from 10 to 13 October, the main topics were the digital factory and artificial intelligence. We saw presentations on Digital Factory 2.0, met many exhibitors and learnt about case studies and established several contacts with potential partners...[READ MORE]

Pharma Networking in Vienna
On 21 September 2023, our team took part in the Networking@ Pharma event at Siemens City Vienna. The meeting brought together experts from the pharmaceutical industry, research institutions and start-up companies. Most of the presentations focussed on digital transformation in the pharmaceutical industry...[READ MORE]

ECCE 2023
Research assistants Iva Zokić and Matea Gavran participated in the 14th European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE), which took place in Berlin in September 2023, with a poster presentations. Iva presented a poster How to improve morphology of ceritinib spherical agglomerates which describes the influence of the solvent system, additives and process conditions on the shape and crystal structure of ceritinib spherical agglomerates...[READ MORE]

Scientific papers published during the CrystAPC project
Profesorica Jasna Prlić Kardum i asistentica Iva Zokić objavile su dva znanstvena rada vezana uz kristalizaciju djelatnih tvari. Prvi rad pod naslovom Could drug availability be improved through shape modification objavljen je u časopisu Chemical Engineering&Technology i govori o utjecaju procesa sferične kristalizacije na profile oslobađanja dviju djelatnih tvari: dronedaron hidroklorida i ceritiniba...[READ MORE]
ECCPM forum
Professor Jasna Prlić Kardum attended the 28th BIWIC - International Workshop on Industrial Crystallisation, which was held in Stockholm, Sweden, at the end of August 2023...[READ MORE]

Professor Jasna Prlić Kardum attended the 28th BIWIC - International Workshop on Industrial Crystallisation, which was held in Stockholm, Sweden, at the end of August 2023...[READ MORE]

EFCE – Working Party on Fluid Separations
Prof. Bolf and research assistant Josip Sacher gave a lecture at the 65th Technical Meeting - EFCE Working Party on Fluid Separations, on June 12 2023 at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology, University of Zagreb...[READ MORE]

EuroPACT 2023 conference
Research assistant Josip Sacher attended EuroPACT 2023, European Conference on Process Analytics and Control Technology, held in Copenhagen, Denmark, May 7-10 2023. There he presented his work on monitoring supersaturation in crystallisation processes and shared his experiences with other researchers in the field...[READ MORE]

20th HSKIKI Workshop
We're delighted to announce the details of a PROCESS ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGY IN REAL TIME CONTROL workshop as part of the 28th Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers! The workshop will address the practical aspects of PAT application and provide...[READ MORE]

Visit to Budapest University of Technology and Economics
From February 30-31, we visited Professor Botond Szilagyi from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. On the first day of the visit, the Professor held a workshop focused on crystallization modeling and control...[READ MORE]

Presentation of the CrystAPC project at FKIT
On February 28th we visited RCPE in Graz. RCPE is one of the leading pharmaceutical engineering research facilities in the world. We learned about some of their ongoing projects and research areas, which align closely with our expertise in PAT...[READ MORE]
Visit to Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering
On Thursday, February 9, 2023, the promotion of the CrystAPC project - Advanced Crystallization Process Management was held at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology. Representatives of ten institutions and twenty companies gathered at the presentation...[READ MORE]

Visit to Polytechnic University of Turin
On February 21st we visited Professor Elena Simone from the Polytechnic University of Turin. Our employees Matea Gavran and Josip Sacher, young experts in crystallization, held a workshop focused on modern technologies in crystallization R&D. The workshop covered both theoretical and practical aspects of batch crystallization and provided...[READ MORE]

Visit to SPS – Smart Production Solutions in Nuremberg
SPS - Smart Production Solutions is one of the largest international automation trade shows. The fair gathers the leading companies of the automation industry from Germany and from abroad. At the very well-attended fair, drive systems and components, control systems, interfaces, sensors, industrial communication and infrastructure, software and information technology in general were showed...[READ MORE]

Joint IMEKO TC11 & TC24 hybrid conference
Research assistant Matea Gavran and prof. Bolf participated in a TC24 Chemical Measurements conference organized by the International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO). In the poster section, we presented the paper...[READ MORE]

In the organization of The National Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Spain (ANQUE) 9th World Congress on Particle Technology was held in Madrid, Spain...[READ MORE]

We participated in the Networking @ Siemens Pharma event on September 22, 2022 at Siemens City Vienna. Prof. Nenad Bolf gave an interesting presentation: Application of PAT &QbD in Crystallization Process Control...[READ MORE]

Visit to ENSIACET in Toulouse
Toulouse Graduate School of Chemical, Materials, and Industrial Engineering (ENSIACET - French: École nationale supérieure des ingénieurs en arts chimiques et technologiques) is one of the largest educational institutions for chemical engineering and technology in Europe...[READ MORE]

Ružička days
From September 21 to 23, 2022, the scientific and professional meeting 19th Ružička days, Science Today - Industry Tomorrow was held in Vukovar. Our project team participated with two poster presentations. Iva Zokić and Jasna Prlić Kardum attendend and showed results of their research on Influence of solvent system on the crystal structure of API...[READ MORE]

From August 31 to September 2, 2022, the 27th International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization (BIWIC 2022) was held in Helsinki. For the congress a paper on spherical crystallization was prepared under the title: Control of crystal shape in the batch crystallization process...[READ MORE]

We participated in a 4th International Congress of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Bosnia and Herzegovina in Sarajevo. We have presented the CrystAPC and the results of the development of the calibration models for concentration of API X using in-situ UV/Vis spectrophotometer...[READ MORE]

Visit to Siemens and usePAT
On April 4th & 5th our team visited Siemens Living Lab and usePAT in Vienna. Team of PAT experts in Siemens Living Lab introduced us with their concepts and system for PAT tools integration. We presented the CrystAPC project and proposed further possibilities for integrating our research within SIPAT platform...[READ MORE]

Crystallization laboratory set-up and Blaze device installation
Recently we have finished construction and startup of our advanced crystallization laboratory. With the support of Blazemetrics company and laboratory equipment suppliers, we installed the state-of-the-art process microscope for research and development of crystallization processes...[READ MORE]

XIV Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers
We presented our research at the International Conference XIV Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers held in Zagreb on February 24th and 25th...[READ MORE]

Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers 2021
We participated on Croatian Meeting of Chemists and Chemical Engineers held from October 5th to 8th with two poster presentations: Development of the calibration model for real-time measurement...[READ MORE]